The materials intended for publication are sent by the authors only electronically, via the e-mail address with the mandatory completion of the author’s declaration (click here)
When submitting any material the author(s) must indicate the following data:
first name (completely) and name;
institutional affiliation and title of the position held;
the postal address for sending the magazine “Law and Life” in which the article sent to the editorial office is to be published;
email address and a phone number (mobile or stationary);
photo of the author(s) in jpg. format or tiff.
it is mandatory to indicate the UDC for each item.
A summary (in Romanian and English), comprising 1,000-1,500 characters and at least five keywords (in Romanian and English) must accompany submitted materials. The summary must include the identification of the treated subject, the objectives pursued by the author, the research results and the theoretical and practical implications of the study.
The content of the scientific article will necessarily include the following structural elements: summary, keywords, introduction, applied methods and materials, results obtained and discussions, conclusions, bibliographical references.
For the materials to be published under the headings: “Editorial Recommendations”, “Judiciary Practice Summarized and Commented” and “Interviews” the summary, keywords and bibliography are not required.
Mode of drafting:
format A4;
edges: upper limit – 2 cm; bottom limit – 2 cm; left – 2,5 cm; right – 2 cm;
lined paper – 1,15;
Times New Roman font;
title – font size 14, author name and affiliation – font size 12, text – font size 12.
tables: should be fitted into the text, numbered in the upper right, and the title should be written in the upper left;
figures: they should be framed in the text and should be numbered;
illustrations will be in jpg format. or tiff. with the following characteristics: 300 dpi and minimum 1 MB;
formulas and equations: inserted in the text should be numbered on the right side of the page;
references to bibliographic sources: are indicated in square brackets, inserted in the text, for example [8]. If certain parts of the source are cited, the page is indicated after the bibliographic index, for example [8, p. 231].
At the end of the articles, the bibliography used is attached to the notes in square brackets, according to the following models, as appropriate: [only the references to specialized papers/articles are passed, ordered alphabetically, then chronologically]:
[Work model]
Stătescu C. Drept civil. Persoana fizică. Persoana juridică. Drepturile reale, Bucureşti: Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2020. 234 p.
Семенов В.В. Философия: итог тысячелетий. Философская психология. Москва: Эврика, 2000. 64 с.
[Model paper with more than three authors]
Stan N. and others. Tratat de criminalistică. Bucureşti: Ed. Timpul, 2004. 282 p.
[Model contribution in a paper]
Kuglay I. „Procedura de cameră preliminară. Soluţiile”. In: M. Udroiu (coord.), Codul de procedură penală. Comentariu pe articole, ediţia a 2-a, Bucureşti: Ed. C.H. Beck, 2004, p. 1422-1423.
[Model article]
Adăscăliţei M. Tăierea ilegală a vegetaţiei forestiere. In: Revista de drept, no. 9, 2018, p. 17-22.
[Model article in scientific papers]
Rurac M. Insolvabilitatea fictivă. In: Culegere de lucrări științifice a Universităţii de Stat din Moldova, 2001, vol. 9, p. 95-99.
[Model article in the symposium proceedings]
Babuc V. and others. Cercetări şi realizări în tehnica criminalistică. In: Realizări, programe, perspective. Tezele conf. jubiliare internaţionale. Chişinău: Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 1995, p. 152-157.
[Other sources]
Codul cu privire la știință și inovare al Republicii Moldova. No. 259-XV din 15 iulie 2004. In: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 30.07.2004, no.125-129 (1479-1483).
[Model websites]
Mihai R. Relaţiile de muncă în contextul prevenirii riscului de îmbolnăvire cu coronavirus (COVID-19), available on, accessed on March13, 2020.
Articles suggested for publication will be subject to a peer-review evaluation process, carried out by two independent referees.
The evaluation takes into account, in particular, the scientific value of the materials proposed for publication, the aspects of doctrinal novelty, the documentation and bibliographic information of the authors, the journalistic interest of the articles, compliance with the technical writing requirements and the journalistic style of the authors.
Articles accepted by the editors enter the techno-editing and printing process one month before publication. The editors recommend to authors that the size of the materials submitted for publication should not exceed, as a rule, 20,000-40,000 characters (except the space).
Unpublished manuscripts are not returned.
Regarding the published materials, the editor reserves the following rights:
to edit them in accordance with the style rules of “Law and Life” magazine;
to publish them in the electronic edition of the magazine;
The editorial staff of “Law and Life” magazine does not assume any responsibility for non-compliance with the regulations inscribed in copyright legislation. In case of plagiarism – partially or fully – the entire liability, both legal (criminal, contraventional, civil) and deontological, belongs exclusively to the author. In addition, the opinion of the authors does not express the viewpoint of the editors in approaching the reference topics.
We specify that the style rules, specific to the magazine “Law and Life” that must be taken into account when writing the materials sent to the editorial office by the authors, as well as their evaluation process, are available on the web page: